It was a no-brainier to figure out that I would use Anakin and Padme for the Lovers card.
This was one of those pieces that I started originally on a different color- and after a little while realized it was NOT the right color I had in mind. But I never blow steam or go crazy for having to re-start a piece. From previous experience, having to restart usually means any errors get ironed out, and the second time around always come out ten times more glamorous than the first try- so I was delighted to start over.
I kept this card dominantly warm. The only “cool” colors are the green grass and blue waters of Naboo… and this was important in order to include all 4 elements in the card- Fire is the sun behind the Lovers, Air is what they are being formed form (the smoky/cloud) water and earth are represented by the background. I also wanted to include the balcony with the silhouettes to give the image a more vast and epic feel to it.
I also really liked the idea of having Anakin’s both arms embrace Padme- all the while keeping the “flat” style of the art intact. This also proved a good design tool to create that circle effect to really convey that wholeness of both figures together. Another fun tid-bit was trying to simplify Padme’s wedding dress.
A lot of people keep assuming this is Pastel- actually it is not. It's colored pencil on Canson board. Maybe the blending is too smooth for what some people consider pencil art- but these are truly done in colored pencil. In fact, they are being done with the set of 400+ color pencils my Grandmother bought me as a birthday gift- the last one she ever did before passing away.
1 comment:
It´s such an excellent job!!!! I love it. Keep going with these cards, they´re really awesome. Congratulations!!!!!!!! May the Force be with you...
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